Free Logo Evaluation by Professional Graphic Designers
So you found a place to design your logo for $5.00 and now you want to use it on your $50,000 to $250,000 business.
Not so fast!
You can put the whole future of your company at stake by using a logo that hasn't been tested or evaluated for effectiveness. Probably fun but not a practical idea, with all the time, energy and money you've put into your business (or product idea).
What can I do to test my logo?
There are whole agencies that do nothing more than this on a nationwide or international basis, but let's talk about a regional or national business. You probably don't have the $500,000 and up to do market and design/color testing as multinational corporations do.
So, there's LetterBank
We're a team of designers, marketers, sign manufacturers and advertising people with a passion for good design. Just to keep us smiling, we offer a free evaluation of one logo or layout, and will provide a short, concise form with feedback and our suggestions.
By the way, need a sign or printing with your logo?
We can help, just ask. That's why we're here.
Send your logo here: http://bit.ly/2fCOieo