Dimensional Letters for Estates, Developments, Business, Buildings
Business Sign Letters & Entry Wall Lettering
Molded plastics,
Fabricated metals,
Flat Cut Plastics,
flat cut metals,
and foamed laminates
To request a price quote, scroll down
The letters we make have a lifetime warranty against fading, chipping or cracking. We provide you with the lettering and an optional alignment and pre-drilling template, and you install the letters beautifully and professionally, the first time.
Ask for a price quote with the color, style, size and wording you want.
We'll be glad to reply with your project cost.
Specify a KIND of letter from below (cast metal, flat cut metal, cast plastic, flat plastic, laminated foam). Next, ask for a price quote with the [1] color, [2] style, [3] size and [4] wording you want.
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About Us
We live in a world that revolves around signs. Signs are needed for identification (like storefronts, towns and highways) and information (think guided tour interpretive signs, directories and warning decals).

We also live in a world where plastic pollution is out of control. So as we consume banners and plastic signs, how can we act more responsibly? We will go out of our way to offer to you the most ecologically sound options for your signage, from fabric banners instead of vinyl to paper or metal lawn signs instead of plastics, to longer-lasting and reusable options whenever possible.
Because visibility and legibility is an important aspect of signage, at LetterBank / MyDIYsigns we start with easy-to-read designs and work to provide professional typographic layouts for a greater value in signs.
Since trust is such an important part of selling online, we have a network of security features, so that what you enter and what you buy remains encrypted and is never shared.
- We are a company that is owned and run by dedicated staff
- Our products are predominantly made in the USA, as it's important to keep jobs here at home
- Our offices are based in California near San Luis Obispo
- We were founded in 1989 as Imagine Letterworks
- Ours is one of the oldest online shops at over 34 years old! That's older than amazon.
- Our first objective is to make your sign effective and easy to read, so you will become a repeat customer!
For more information, you may contact us anytime.
We like to help. For phone calls, leave your number and we will call back, or call to leave a message 805-874-2221 and we'll reply from 830am thru 3pm Pacific time (1130-6pm Eastern, GMT -8)