Replace old sign faces with tracked V3 GlasSteel Fiberglass sign plastic
If you have an older Outdoor Signs America [OSA] flat-front sign, we have a way to replace the worn sign faces with new GlasSteel V3 Fiberglass or flat AcrySteel face kit.
The flat-face portable signs are no longer made and we will miss the smooth lines and flat sign faces, but perhaps not miss as much the tendency to buckle and warp in the heat.

If you have an old "OSA" sign, you will not be able to find replacement sign faces in fluted plastic because they're no longer made or available. You can use our new kit for flat faces below!
We have good news for you. You now have two choices.
Our V3 fiberglass 'faces' will fit on your OSA sign with an adaptor kit. The OSA sign adaptor kit is made of metal and includes 12 48" retainers and 24 zip screws, enough for both side of your sign in the popular 40" tall by 96" wide size. You'll need to cut four of the vertical retainers to 40" if your sign is that size.
The black aluminum angle retainers are 2.5" by 1.25" to fit around the edges of your OSA sign. Since the OSA sign plastic track only fits up to 0.25" flat faces, the retainers allow the 1" deep V3 faces to fit over the old track. See illustration below.
You may require assistance and some perseverance to install the kit.
However, the results will be quite nice, especially when your customers notice how attractive your sign appears- almost like new!
Our NEW Acrysteel flat-face KIT. The kit includes two flat AcrySteel plastic sheets in the 40" tall x 96" wide size (must ship crated via freight trucking), also includes rows of track for four rows of lettering in flex track for flexible letters and in rigid track for thicker, rigid letters (flexible letters and rigid letters are available separately), and rivets to assemble (or to get assembled locally).
For more information, just contact us. You're the reason we're here.

A new V3 Fiberglass sign faces will give you many more years of use from your sign investment. You can also update old signs and make them look newer inexpensively. If you're handy with simple tools (small drill and screwdriver), you can easily update your signs with our V3 Fiberglass and OSA sign update kit,
look here to order.
For assistance with any of our sign products and custom projects, reach out to us like our thousands of customers have over the past 30 years.
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